A transient shower of meteors when a meteor swarm enters the earth's atmosphere.
Examples for "meteor shower "
Examples for "meteor shower "
1 This summer saw a particularly dramatic display from the Perseid meteor shower .
2 Here is everything you need to know about the upcoming meteor shower .
3 A shuttle launch, new Hubble images, a meteor shower , a shuttle landing.
4 Mira's anniversary coincides with the annual meteor shower known as the Perseids.
5 The meteor shower is the brightest whenever the comet passes by Earth.
1 The number of comets, like that of meteor streams , is exceedingly large.
2 The Eta Aquariids meteor shower is known for producing the most intense meteor streams .
3 Thus, the Lyrid meteor streams are groups of meteoroids originating from dust grains ejected from the comet.
4 Some fragment into meteor streams .
5 What exactly are the Perseids The Perseid meteor streams are groups of meteoroids originating from dust grains ejected from Comet 109P Swift-Tuttle.
6 The Eta Aquariids meteor streams are groups of meteoroids which originates from the dust grains ejected by Halley's Comet (Comet 1P Halley.)
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Translations for meteor stream